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II Shree Ganeshaya Namaha II

21 Mukhi Ganesh Rudraksha


(Rudraksha being a natural product variation in size, shape and colour do occur. Higher Mukhi Beads available for sale fall in the range of 20mm to 25mm.)

Ek Mukhi Eight Mukhi Fifteen Mukhi 
Two Mukhi    Nine Mukhi     Sixteen Mukhi
Three Mukhi  Ten Mukhi  Seventeen Mukhi
Four Mukhi    Eleven Mukhi   Eighteen Mukhi
Five Mukhi  Twelve Mukhi    Nineteen Mukhi
Six Mukhi  Thirteen Mukhi Twenty Mukhi
Seven Mukhi   Fourteen Mukhi    Twenty One Mukhi

Gauri Shankar




Ek Mukhi

Mantra for Ek Mukhi Rudraksha :  ll Om Rhim Namaha ll

Deity : Shiva,   Ruling  Planet  :  Sun (Surya)

Ek mukhi  Rudraksha is believed to be the most auspicious one.  Especially, the round one from the species Elaeocarpus angustifolious. The round type being the extremely rare and expensive, people use other types of Ek Mukhi Rudraksha. It fulfills all the desires of the wearer. It gives wealth, health and long life to its wearer. The wearer gets name and fame in the society. It also guides its wearer to the holy path of spiritualism to achieve salvation.

Cashew Nut Ek Mukhi - Rs.2,200/-

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Two Mukhi

Mantra for Two Mukhi Rudraksha :  ll Om Namaha ll

Deity ; Shiva and Parvati,  Ruling Planet :  Moon (Chandra)

There are three types of two mukhi Rudraksha available. The round 'Nepal Rudraksha' is from the species Elaeocarpus angustifolius.  It is very rare and expensive.  The oval Indian type is known as 'Haridwar bead' and is  from the species E. serratus. The Indian flat two mukhi Rudraksha is known as 'Rameshwar bead' and is from the species Elaeocarpus tuberculatus or E. oblongus.   This Rudraksha maintains excellent peace in the family.  It also maintains excellent harmony between husband and wife.  It is believed to give mental peace to its wearer and increases creativity.  It controls anger (Tamas vrutti).  It eradicates family problems.  It is recommended for businessman and for the people working in the field of classical art.

Haridwar Oval Rudraksha - Rs.250/- ; Rameshwari flat Rudraksha - Rs.75/- 

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Three Mukhi

Mantra for Three Mukhi Rudraksha : ll Om Klim Namaha ll

Deity : Agni (Fire God),   Ruling Planet : Mars (Mangal)

There are three types of three mukhi Rudraksha.  The round Nepal type under the species Elaeocarpus angustifolius, there are two sub types in this,  round and pear shaped.  Both these types are not very common and expensive.  The second type is Indian oval type, which is also called as 'Haridwar bead' is the most commonly available type and comparatively much cheaper.  In addition to commonly available reddish brown beads, sandy white beads and light cream coloured beads are also available in this type.   The third type is triangular in its shape and much larger in its size.  This type of bead is commonly called as 'Rameshwar three mukhi bead' but is not much commonly used due to its large size.  The fourth type which is not commonly found and used is flat type from the species Elaeocarpus tuberculatus.

Three mukhi bead is believed to improve intelligence, personality and confidence of its wearer.  It also gives excellent health, knowledge and wealth.  The wearer becomes more constructive in his thoughts and deeds.  This bead is recommended for students to achieve success in their studies. 

Indian Oval Rudraksha - Rs.50/- ; Nepal Round Rudraksha - Rs.400/-.

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Four Mukhi

Mantra for Four Mukhi Rudraksha : ll Om Rhim Namaha ll

Deity : Brahma,  Ruling Planet : Mercury  (Bhudha)

There are two main types in this Rudraksha. The most common is a round one under the species Elaeocarpus angustifolius and the second one is a flat Indian bead  under the species E. tuberculatus, which is very rarely seen.

This Rudraksha is believed to give  knowledge and creativity to its wearer.  This bead gives health, wealth and knowledge.   It increases memory. This Rudraksha is recommended for students and for professions related with knowledge and creativity like academics, researcher, artists etc.

Cost : Rs.80/- to Rs.200/- (cost varies as per size)

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Five Mukhi

Mantra for Four Mukhi Rudraksha : ll Om Rhim Namaha ll

Deity : Shiva,  Ruling Planet : Jupiter  (Guru)

This type of Rudraksha is most commonly available.  It is believed that this bead gives effects of all the type of Rudraksha.  This bead develops positive thinking and gives excellent mental peace.  This bead also responsible for spiritual development of its wearer.   It gives all comforts, long life and salvation.  It also protects its wearer from untimely death and accidents.  This bead is also treated as the most powerful bead and minimum 3 or 5 beads are recommended to wear.

Cost : Rs.50/- to Rs.100/-. (cost varies as per size)

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Six Mukhi

Mantra for Six Mukhi Rudraksha : ll Om Rhim Hum Namaha ll

Deity : Kartikeya,  Ruling Planet : Venus (Shukra)

This Rudraksha is also believed to represent Lord Ganesh.  According to 'Shiva -Rahasya', this bead represents Lord Vishnu.  This Rudraksha is believed to give courage, good health and knowledge to its wearer.  This bead has blessings from goddesses  Saraswati, Mahalaxmi and Parvati..  This Rudraksha is recommended for students and businessmen.  There is a strong belief that if this Rudraksha is kept in a cash-box, business flourishes.

Cost : Rs. 80/- to Rs. 200/- (cost varies as per size)

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Seven Mukhi

Mantra for Seven Mukhi Rudraksha : ll Om Hum Namaha ll

Deity : Mahalaxmi, Ruling Planet : Saturn (Shani)

This Rudraksha represents Goddess Mahalaxmi.  It is also believed to represent 'Sapta-Matruka', viz. Barahi,  Brahmani, Indrani, Koumarai, Maheshwari, Narasinhi, and Vaishnavi.   According to 'Shiva-Rahasya' this bead also represents Lord Mahavishnu.  It also has blessings from Devi Saraswati. This Rudraksha is believed to give good health, knowledge and wealth to its wearer.  It develops capacity to analyse  the situation critically.  Maintains excellent harmony between husband and wife.  This Rudraksha is believed to have capacity to get through the malefic effects of Saturn. It is believed that human soul has seven coverings or koshas called as 'Sapta-Kosh', this bead purifies all these seven koshas.   It is recommended for businessmen for the removal of obstacles in the business.

Cost : Rs.150/- to Rs.300/- (cost varies as per size)

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Eight Mukhi

Mantra for Eight Mukhi Rudraksha : ll Om Hum Namaha ll

Deity : Lord Ganesh, Ruling Planet : Rahu (Dragon's Head)

This Rudraksha represents Lord Ganesha and is believed to remove all obstacles.  It bestows knowledge and gives long life to its wearer. It also increases creativity in art and gives ability for balanced thinking.  The bead is also recommended to get success in court matter or judicial matter.

Cost : Rs.1,000/- to Rs.1,500/- (cost varies as per size)

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Nine Mukhi

Mantra for Nine Mukhi Rudraksha :  ll Om Rhim Hum Namaha ll

Deity : Goddess Durga and Goddesses Nava Durga, Ruling Planet : Ketu (Dragon's Tail)

This Rudraksha represents Goddess Durga and Goddesses Nava Durga, having names, Brahmacharini, Chandraghanta,  Kalaratri, Katyayani,  Kushmanda, Mahagauri, Shailaputri, Siddhidatri and Skandamata.  This Rudraksha also represents nine shaktis viz Buddhi, Dhruti,. Kirti, Kshama, Satya  Shree, Smruti, Utpatti and Vacha.  This Rudraksha gives courage, bravery and popularity.  Wearer of this bead gets  respect in the society.  This Rudraksha is recommended for businessmen and sportsmen.

Cost : Rs.1,800/- to Rs.2,700/-(cost varies as per size)

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Ten Mukhi

Mantra for Ten Mukhi Rudraksha : ll Om Rhim Namaha ll

Deity: Vishnu and Dashadikpals, Ruling Planet : NIL

This Rudraksha represents Lord Vishnu. It is also believed that  it represents, masters (Dikpals) of ten directions (Dishas) viz. Agni, Bramha, Indra, Ish, Kuber, Nirutti, Shesha, Varun and Vayu. It is also believed to represent the Dahavtars, viz.  Buddha, Kacchap, Kalki, Krishna, Narasimha, Matsya, Parashuram, Rama, Vaman and Varah.  This Rudraksha fulfills all desires of its wearer.  It also gives mental peace, wealth, and respect. The wearer becomes an affectionate person. It protects its wearer from bad spirits.  This bead is recommended for politicians, social workers and artists.

Cost : Rs.1,800/- to Rs.2,700/- (cost varies as per size)

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Eleven Mukhi

Mantra for Eleven Mukhi Rudraksha : ll Om Rhim Rhum Namaha ll 

Deity : Eleven Rudras and Indra.  Ruling Planet :  Nil.

This Rudraksha is believed to represent eleven rudras of Shree Shiva Pariwar, viz. Ahibhruta, Aja, Aparajeet, Ekpat, Hara, Ishwar, Maheshwar,  Pinaki, Shambhu, and Vrushakapi, Shambhu,  This bead also represents Indra.  This Rudraksha gives knowledge, health, and all comforts to its wearer.  This Rudraksha bestows its wearer with a power to take correct decisions which naturally results to get  success in all fields.  This Rudraksha is more important for ladies as it is believed to give long life to husband.  It is also believed to be useful for ladies to concieve.  In the North India, it is given as a gift by parents to their newly wed daughters.

Cost : Rs.3,000/- to Rs. 5,000/- (cost varies as per size)

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Twelve Mukhi

Mantra for Twelve Mukhi Rudraksha : ll Om Kroum Kshoum Roum Namaha ll

Deity : Maha Vishnu, Twelve Aditya (Surya). Ruling Planet : Sun.

 This bead is also believed to have blessings from twelve Aditya (Surya), viz. Aryama, Bhag, Dhata, Mitra, Poosha, Savita, Shakra, Twashta, Varun, Vidhata, Vivashwan and Urukrama. This Rudraksha gives health, wealth and knowledge to its wearer. This Rudraksha removes physical and mental stress / worries. Recommended for administrators, politicians, businessmen and to professions that require drive.

Cost : Rs.3,500/- to Rs.5,200/- (cost varies as per size)

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Thirteen Mukhi

Mantra for Thirteen Mukhi Rudraksha : ll Om Rhim Namaha ll

Deity : Indra, Kamdev (Cupid Eros). Ruling Planet : Venus.

This Rudraksha fulfills all desires of its wearer and gives success in all spheres of life. It also gives all types of comfort to its wearer. This Rudraksha maintains harmony between husband and wife. The wearer is highly respected and honoured in the society. This Rudraksha is recommended for working in the field of chemistry, electricity and metals.

Cost : Rs.5,000/- to Rs.7,500/- (cost varies as per size)

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Fourteen Mukhi

Mantra for Fourteen Mukhi Rudraksha : ll Om Namaha ll

Deity :  Shiva, Hanuman. Ruling Planet : Saturn.

This Rudraksha is very rare and is also known as 'Deva Mani'. It is believed that this Rudraksha is produced from the eyes of Rudra. It fulfills all desires of the wearer. It is mentioned in Puranas that this Rudraksha represents 'Fourteen Vidyas', 'Fourteen Manus', 'Fourteen Lokas' and 'Fourteen Indras'. Lord Shiva himself wears malas of Fourteen Mukhi Rudraksha. Wearer of this bead is bestowed with high quality of mental and physical health, wealth and respect. This Rudraksha protects its wearer from evil spirits. This bead is extremely useful for yogic sadhanas. It is also believed that it is useful to awaken ESP (Extra Sensory Perception). Wearer of this Rudraksha attains salvation. This Rudraksha is recommended for politicians, administrators, industrialists, businessmen and for people from the professions of law and justice, academics, medical field especially for surgeons and computer engineers. This Rudraksha is equally powerful that of One Mukhi Rudraksha  and is treated as its substitute.   

Cost : Rs.18,000/- to 27,000/- (cost varies as per size).

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Fifteen Mukhi

Mantra for Fifteen Mukhi Rudraksha :  ll Om Namah Shivay ll

Deity : Varun, Dhanvantari, Ashwini kumars. Ruling Planet : Nil.

Wearer of this Rudraksha gets excellent mental and physical health. This Rudraksha protects its wearer from skin diseases like eczema. It also protects its wearer from drowning. This Rudraksha is used in yogic practices and sadhanas.

Cost : Rs.18,000/- to 27,000/- (cost varies as per size).

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Sixteen Mukhi

Mantra for Sixteen Mukhi Rudraksha :  ll Om Namah Shivay ll

Deity : Kalavijay.  Ruling Planet : Nil.

This Rudraksha is popularly known as 'Jay Rudraksha'. This Rudraksha protects its wearer from financial loss, theft and robbery and accidents. This Rudraksha is used in yogic practices and sadhanas.

Cost : Rs.30,000/-.

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Seventeen Mukhi

Mantra for Seventeen Mukhi Rudraksha :  ll Om Namah Shivay ll

Deity : Vishwakarma. Ruling Planet : Nil.

This Rudraksha bestows its wearer all comforts and wealth.  This Rudraksha is recommended for persons in the field of construction, mining,   This Rudraksha is used in yogic practices and sadhanas.

Cost : Rs.55,000/-.

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Eighteen Mukhi

Mantra for Eighteen Mukhi Rudraksha :  ll Om Namah Shivay ll

Deity :   Earth  or Dharitri,  Kalika Devi.  Ruling Planet : Nil.

This Rudraksha gives its wearer courage and develops his/her career.  This Rudraksha is believed to give miraculous benefits to the persons in Agriculture and related fields.  This Rudraksha is used in yogic practices and sadhanas.

Cost : Rs.65,000/-.

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Nineteen Mukhi

Mantra for Nineteen Mukhi Rudraksha :  ll Om Namah Shivay ll

Deity : Lord Narayan, and Vayu.  Ruling Planet : Nil.

This Rudraksha bestows its wearer with material comforts.  This bead fulfills all desires and gives excellent mental and physical health.  This Rudraksha is used in yogic practices and sadhanas.

Cost Rs. 1,70,000/-.

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Twenty Mukhi

Mantra for Twenty Mukhi Rudraksha : ll Om Namah Shivay ll

Deity :  Lord Brahma. Ruling Planet : Nil.

This Rudraksha bestows its wearer with knowledge.  This Rudraksha gives  success in the field of academics and science.  This bead develops oratory skills of high standard. Wearer of this bead gets respect in the society.  This Rudraksha is recommended for personalities in political field as it gives capacity to lead masses. This Rudraksha is used in yogic practices and sadhanas.

This Rudraksha being rare, check availability of the bead.

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Twenty One Mukhi

Mantra for Twenty One Mukhi Rudraksha :  ll Om Namah Shivay ll

Deity :  Lord Shiva, Kuber (God of Wealth).   Ruling Planet : Nil.

This Rudraksha is  extremely rare and is treated as a dream bead of Rudraksha lovers and worshipers.  This Rudraksha bestows its possessor and wearer with all material comforts and wealth  Wearer of this Rudraksha becomes a dominant personality. This bead gives success in all fields of life. This Rudraksha is recommended for industrialists, businessmen, administrators and ministers.  This Rudraksha is extremely useful in yogic practices and sadhanas.

This Rudraksha being rare, check availability of the bead.

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Gauri Shankar

Mantra for Gauri Shankar Rudraksha : ll Om Namah Shivay ll

Deity : Shiva and Parvati. Ruling Planet : Nil.

This Rudraksha is a rare bead.  It is a naturally joined bead.  This Rudraksha represents Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati.  This Rudraksha also has blessings from Ashwini kumars.  This bead maintains harmony between husband and wife.  It also maintains peace in the family.  This Rudraksha fulfills all desires.  It also gives health, wealth and courage to its possessor.  This Rudraksha removes 'Vastu Dosha'.  This Rudraksha is treated as substitute for the Ek Mukhi Rudraksha.

Cost : Rs.2,500/- to Rs.5,000/- (cost varies as per size).

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Mantra for Trijuti Rudraksha :  ll Om Namah Shivay ll

Deity : Trinity 'Bramha, Vishnu and Mahesh'. Ruling Planet : Nil.

This Rudraksha is an extremely rare bead.  In this Rudraksha three beads are joined naturally.  This Rudraksha represents the trinity 'Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Mahesh'.  There are different names for this Rudraksha, viz. 'Trijuti', 'Triyugi', 'Gauripath', 'Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh',  and 'Ganesh, Gauri, Shankar'.  Like Gauri Shankar Rudraksha, this bead also fulfills all desires of its possessor.  It also gives health, wealth and courage to its possessor.  It gives success in all fields. This Rudraksha removes 'Vastu Dosha'. This Rudraksha is treated as substitute for the Ek Mukhi Rudraksha.

This Rudraksha being rare, check availability of the bead.

Cost Rs.5,00,000/-

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